Redbud flowers in full bloom in S China

#1 von xuezhiqian123 , 26.12.2018 03:39

Canadian lawmakers voted on Wednesday to alter the country's national anthem to make the lyrics gender neutral Clearance Men's Nike Air Force 270 Metallic Black Silver , a move that comes as the new Liberal government focuses on being more inclusive toward women.

The bill would change the English version of "O Canada" to remove the words "in all thy sons command" and replace them with "in all of us command."

The changes, brought forward as a private member's bill by a Liberal Party lawmaker, passed easily in the House of Commons, which is controlled by the Liberals. It now goes to the appointed Senate, which generally approves measures passed by the elected House.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made gender inclusivity a focus since he was elected last October and named an equal number of men and women to his 30-member Cabinet. It was the first time gender parity had been achieved by Canada's team of ministers.

Status of Women Minister Patty Hajdu, speaking before the vote, said the change was an important step toward ensuring inclusivity in Canada's cultural symbols.

"I think it's really important as a very strong symbol of our commitment to gender equality in this country," she told reporters.

Some Conservative lawmakers opposed the change, which they said was being made without adequate consultation with Canadians. The former Conservative government suggested changes to the anthem's lyrics in 2010, but backed off after a public outcry.

The song was composed in 1880 and the original lyrics were in French. The English-language version, which is not a direct translation from French, was penned in 1908 and tweaked over the years. It was adopted as Canada's official anthem in 1980.

After the vote passed, lawmakers stood in the House of Commons and sang the anthem in both national languages.

LONDON, July 4 (Xinhua) -- Exports by Britain's creative industries have contributed 26.5 billion U.S. dollars to the economy in the past year, official figures disclosed Monday.

Latest statistics published by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, reveal creative industry services are highly sought after overseas, with export level increasing more than four times the rate of the British total.

"Our creative industries are continuing to outstrip other employment sectors in the UK," said a government spokesman Monday.

The figures show jobs in creative industries have increased three times faster than the UK average. In the past five years, the number of jobs in the sector has risen by nearly 20 percent and now accounts for 1.9 million jobs.

Occupations which have particularly flourished include dancers and choreographers (up by 41 percent), artists (up by 21 percent), and programers and software developers (up by 30 percent).

The latest figures come on the back of government statistics, published earlier this year, revealing that Britain's creative industries contribute 111.5 billion U.S. dollars a year, - almost 14 million U.S. dollars an hour, to the UK economy.

Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport John Whittingdale said Monday: "The creative industries are one of the UK's greatest success stories. That success is built upon the extraordinary talent which exists in this country, an amazing cultural heritage, the English language and a tax system designed to support and encourage growth in the creative sector."

"None of this is changed by Britain's decision to leave the EU and I am confident that our creative industries will continue to thrive and take advantage of the new opportunities which are opening up to do business across the world," he said. Enditem

JERUSALEM, April 23 (Xinhua) -- Israeli police said on Sunday that a Palestinian youth stabbed and injured at least four people near the shore in Tel Aviv, Israel's business capital.

The incident took place in Hayarkon Street, across from the sea, where many of Tel Aviv's large hotels are located.

Local media reported that the assailant, who apparently works in the area, first attacked a man near the Harrod's Hotel and then fled to the Leonardo Hotel, continuing his attack.

Israel's MDA emergency medical service said that three men and a woman, who are all Israeli citizens, sustained light injuries. They were taken to the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center.

The police initially announced that the background for the incident was unclear, but a later statement said the "investigation revealed that the attack was carried out for nationalistic motives."

Police spokeswoman Luba Samri identified the suspect as an 18-year-old resident of Nablus, a city in the central West Bank, a territory that Israel seized in the 1967 Middle East war.

She added that the suspect was arrested and taken into custody.

The incident was the latest in a wave of violence that has claimed the lives of at least 241 Palestinians, 41 Israelis, two U.S. nationals, a British tourist, and two African asylum seekers since September 2015.

Israel accuses the Palestinian National Authority of "inciting" the unrest. The Palestinians say it is the result of 50 years of Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, home to more than 5 million Palestinians.

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Redbud flowers in full bloom in S China


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